- Are We in the Midst of a "Religious War"? 我们是否处于宗教战争期?
- The theocracy’s religious teachings buttressed its class order. 农奴结婚、生子和死亡都得纳税。
- These two countries had three religious wars in twenty years. 这两个国家在20年里发生过三次宗教上的冲突。
- This text, expounds Mandala’s religious meaning, classification and its importance in the Trantrism spread. 本文首先简单地阐述曼荼罗本身所具的宗教含义,及其在密宗传播当中的意义所在,并进行简单分类。
- So in some certain sense, it is the Confucian that affected the Voltaire"s religious attitudes. 所以说,从某种意义上看,是孔子思想影响了伏尔泰对宗教的态度。
- In the Omens scenario, players will have to fight a religious war in the New World. 在“预兆”剧本里,玩家将不得不在新大陆打一场宗教战争。
- This essay interprets Turkey, especially Istanbul,s religious and secular architecture from various historical, cultural and religious perspectives. 文章从历史和宗教文化的角度对土耳其.;尤其是伊斯坦布尔的宗教建筑与世俗建筑进行解读
- This thesis surveys people"s religious belief through method of questionnaire investigation and interview of the case in Taigu county of Shanxi. 本论文以山西省太谷县为区域社会,通过问卷调查和个案访谈的方法对民众的宗教信仰进行了调查。
- States are certainly actors in this: Iran may not openly wage religious war, but it has been happy to back Hizbullah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine. 事情很可能是这样的:伊朗可能不公开进行宗教战争,但他会乐于支持黎巴嫩真主党和巴勒斯坦哈马斯。
- Then detailed discuss to Lanxi"s religious construction, the defense construction and many other kinds of public building type. 接着对兰溪的宗教建筑、防御建筑等多种公共建筑类型进行详细了论述。
- The bloodiest wars in history have been religious wars. 历史上最血腥的战争都是宗教战争。
- Europe was wracked by religious wars for several hundred years. 欧洲就饱受宗教战争的摧残。
- The reason is as follows:First, religious reform enhanced Englishmen’s religious enthusiasm, and they were more concerned the Jewish issue. 主要原因有以下几点:首先,宗教改革使英国人的宗教热情高涨,他们更加关注犹太人问题。
- The resolution, he said, “makes groundless accusations against China’s religious policies” and “rudely intervenes in China’s internal affairs. 他说,该决议“无端指责中国宗教政策”,“粗暴干涉中国内政”。
- Despite of Vatican’s religious idiosyncrasy, the United States takes its state particularity into consideration due to U. 美国与梵蒂冈再次建立外交关系的根本原因是国家利益的需要。
- That is to say, that mysticism is not just a “non-mainstream” type of religion, a la sufism, but is, in fact, the very core of humanity’s religious instinct. 一个城市的主政者粗暴对待主张自己基本权利的市民,可以说是为了和谐;
- In the middle of the 10th century,the Islamic Karahan Kingdom waged a religious war against the Buddhist kingdom of Yutian,which lasted for more than 40 years. It conquered Yutian in the early 11th century,and introduced Islam to Hotan. 十世纪中叶,信仰伊斯兰教的喀喇汗王朝发动了对于阗佛教王国历时四十余年的宗教战争,于十一世纪初灭亡于阗,把伊斯兰教推行到和阗地区。
- In the middle of the 10th century, the Islamic Karahan Kingdom waged a religious war against the Buddhist kingdom of Yutian, which lasted for more than 40 years. It conquered Yutian in the early 11th century, and introduced Islam to Hotan. 十世纪中叶,信仰伊斯兰教的喀喇汗王朝发动了对于阗佛教王国历时四十余年的宗教战争,于十一世纪初灭亡于阗,把伊斯兰教推行到和阗地区。
- For example, the question of the relative merits of programming languages often degenerates into a religious war, because so many programmers identify as X programmers or Y programmers. 比如,关于程序语言的优缺点的讨论之所以通常会演变成信仰之争,是由于多数程序员都被区分为X语言程序员或Y语言程序员。
- At the end of the paper, I listed three different kinds of views about Petrarch"s religious belief that have developed by scholars after Petrarch"s death.I agree with the third one. 文章的末尾部分介绍了彼特拉克去世后学者们对他的基督教信仰问题形成的三种观点,本文倾向于第三种观点。